The Biggest Loser

The popular television show: The Biggest Loser features overweight individuals who sign up to compete to win a large sum of money by losing the highest percentage of their weight (originally amount of weight) over a period of up to 100 days. Contestants are periodically eliminated throughout the competition for failing to make satisfactory progress. The Biggest Loser is marketed as a show that is “paying it forward” by motivating individuals, families, and communities to get healthy. But do they get it right?

On the surface, the Biggest Loser message is intriguing. Although the title seems to be a little degrading to the contestants, one can look past it if they keep an open mind. The fact that they approach the solution from both sides: exercise and nutrition, is impressive. In order to see real results both areas need to be addressed, and wellness pundits typically primarily focus on one area or the other. Contestants on the show are exposed to advice and challenging situations regarding both fitness and nutrition, which is absolutely great. As you continuing to watch, a much more prominent message develops – that real change is possible. It is possible to completely change your physical and emotional framework (regarding fitness and nutrition at least). The Biggest Loser does not blame genetics, promote surgery, or advertise fantastic weight-loss pills. They push increasing exercise and nutrition management as their methods for instituting change.

As the contestants progress and the Biggest Loser message develops over the episodes some inconsistencies begin to surface. In order to get their message across the trainers take dramatic measures at times. They regularly employ temptation, profanity, and ridicule in order to motivate the contestants. While this likely helps with ratings, these methods are not necessary to produce results and the situations often feel demeaning. Also some of the challenges (particularly the food challenges) are moderately degrading and counterproductive. Is consuming large quantities of unhealthful and calorically-dense foods an appropriate punishment for losing a challenge? The training staff also sets their physical performance expectations pretty high, which can lead the contestants into some medically-tenuous situations. Contestants are regularly injured, and some take chronic injuries home with them. Also the nutrition information is almost exclusively focused on calorie content. Portion control is the prevailing factor in promoting long-term weight management, but there is more to the story. Nutrient content, not caloric-density, is most crucial to promote overall health and well-being.

Most importantly, The Biggest Loser fails to facilitate institution of a plan to create realistic, sustainable habits. Many of the show’s contestants benefit physically from the trials and tribulations they endure during filming, but revert to their former habits (and their former size) immediately upon returning home. All in all, the show is attempting to convey a positive message, however overall poor treatment of the contestants and their taste for the dramatic sacrifices any integrity that the show might otherwise have.


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