
Our staff makes all the difference. See why here.

Melissa Uftring, MS, CSCS, ACSM-CPT, TSAC-F
Strength Coach / Yoga Instructor
561.818.8028 /

Melissa Uftring came to Varta Fitness after serving as the Health and Fitness Program Manager for the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. She got her start working in the fire service by conducting her graduate research on firefighter performance optimization. Prior to her time in the fire service, Coach Uftring worked as a strength and conditioning coach for collegiate and professional sports. She has also worked with all ages and fitness levels of the general population as a personal trainer, yoga teacher, group fitness instructor, and fitness director at gyms, resorts, and country clubs. Melissa currently serves as the department chair at a local college where she teaches undergraduate students and leads the strength and conditioning program.

At Varta Fitness we only associate with the finest professionals. Our strength coaches, instructors, and personal trainers are all educated, certified, experienced, and personable.

Fitness is a profession, not simply a job. Our staff teach people how to take care of their body, and we take that responsibility seriously. We provide advice and instruction rooted in kinesiology; we are not swayed by popular opinion or anecdotal evidence.

We do not just say that we are the best, we show that we are, and here is how:


We know what we are talking about. Education is the foundation of any fitness professional’s skill set, and our foundation is strong. At a minimum, our staff have a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, and some of our staff have master’s degrees as well.


We have passed the test. There are two big names in personal training certification: the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and our staff are affiliated with one or the other. Look for ACSM-HFS, ACSM-CPT, CSCS, CSPS, TSAC-F, or NSCA-CPT after their name. You will not find anyone affiliated with Varta Fitness with a certification that could be attained online or by attending a weekend seimnar.


This is not our first day at the gym, and it shows. Our staff have worked in research labs, trained sports teams, worked with special populations, and regularly participate in athletic activities themselves. Above all we set a good example and we “walk the walk”.


Exercise should be fun, and we keep it that way. Without a strong personality the aforementioned strengths of our resume would not amount to much. Come by and get to know us! Our staff are easy to get along with, we know how to keep exercise interesting, and we truly care about you and helping you achieve your goals.

©2010–2025 Varta Fitness and Nutrition LLC, all rights reserved • info@vartafitness.com206.456.6914